Successfully completed the bankruptcy reorganization of Qingdao Jieneng Steam Turbine Group, a 70 year industrial brand, to support the development of Qingdao's high-end equipment manufacturing industry. Accelerate the development momentum of Huaou Group's intelligent distribution, building materials, concrete industry, machinery manufacturing, energy industry and other sectors, and consolidate the "industrial backbone". Based on the Tieshan Reservoir and Xiaozhushan Reservoir, we aim to maximize the protection, development, and utilization of reservoir resources, and take the lead in researching and actively planning the construction of pumped storage power stations in the city. The merger and acquisition of Ruilian New Materials, a listed company on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, has made breakthrough progress. After the transaction is completed, it will achieve actual control and develop in conjunction with the group's industrial park and the two major industries of new displays and integrated circuits in Qingdao.

Business Layout

Qingdao Huaou Group Co., Ltd.

Business Layout

Qingdao Jieleng Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd.

Business Layout

Tieshan Reservoir

Business Layout

Xiaozhushan Reservoir